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Claire’s story continues in the third installment of the Dragonwall Series. A spontaneous adventure north, a catastrophic attack, and a surprising discovery, culminates into the perfect storm, bringing Claire and Talon together under unexpected circumstances. Circumstances that will change everything.


When Claire and Talon attend the long-awaited tournament's ball, the changes between them have grown too numerous to count. Things seem so clear. But some decisions aren't straightforward. The one Claire faces will require more than time and acceptance. And she isn’t the only one struggling to face the truth. When secrets come to light, Talon is forced to accept what must be done.


Meanwhile, circumstances spiral out of control across Dragonwall. The Sprites secretly rally under a new and mysterious leader. The Dwargs show themselves for the first time. And unexpected help often comes from strange places. The path of the world is becoming more certain with each day. Claire must navigate through it all, learning more about herself than she imagined, if she is to one day confront a fate that seems so certain.

**The Dragonwall Series is currently a Wattpad Exclusive and can only be read there at this time. Please click the link for free access. Happy reading!

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